Monday, September 12, 2005

"The Prison Secretary" by John C., Chapter 3/3

The Prison Secretary Ch. 03

Later that week inmate Sean Anderson entered the darkened washroom of the jail/barracks; lights-out had been one hour before. He still was quite uncomfortable with the fact that the toilets in the barracks had no stalls for privacy. The inmates did their business out in the open while other inmates walked by from the showers or the sinks. Just as inmates would often masturbate in the showers, Sean would often see the men openly masturbating while sitting on the toilets. He had not entered the washroom to urinate as he had already answered the call of nature earlier that evening. He had waited until lights-out so that he could sit on one of the toilets and have some privacy with his thoughts and his erection. He wanted to have some solitude so he could lose himself in a few moments of lustful fantasies as he had done every night in which he was able. He would then stroke and beat-off until he would have to clean himself off.

It had been several days since the first time Sean had masturbated in the barracks. His dick had stood tall and proud, saluting the beauty of Angela Prescott. The session had been rudely and painfully interrupted when reveille had been called. The rest of that day he had suffered from the worst case of blue balls that he had ever before experienced. It wasn't until late that night when he had finally been allowed the time to relieve himself in the bathroom. He had been in the facility for one full week. It had already seemed like much longer as this program was proving much more difficult than he had anticipated; not just because of the extremely rigorous schedule, but because the harassment from T-bone was becoming much worse.

He sat on the toilet and began yet again to fantasize about Angela. He instantly whipped out his dick and began jerking-off. He couldn't understand the effect that she seemed to have upon him. He had slept with many other women before; some of them truly gorgeous. However Angela had blossomed into his ideal version of a woman, the kind that he had thought of ever since his very first wet dream. Since the receiving room experience he had seen her only once and what a site for sore eyes she had been. Even though the second encounter with her had been even more humiliating than the first.

Where was she now, he thought to himself. While he was forced to go to sleep at 9PM on a Friday night and was caged like an animal; whacking off at the very thought of her, she was outside the prison walls, enjoying herself and freely doing whatever she pleased. The women in the offices had achieved celebrity-like status among the inmates and Angela was easily talked about the most. He was disgusted when he actually saw T-bone and some othe inmates jerking-off on the toilets for all to see while crudely commenting on Angela as well as other women. Earlier in the day some of the inmates had claimed that they had seen her wearing a tight halter top and a very short skirt. He didn't know if he believed them, but it was this thought that was currently driving his present whack-off session. All of the men wanted to fuck her, but none more than himself.


Angela Prescott at that moment was enjoying her freedom and a lovely Friday night with her boyfriend. David Summers was a first year law student and had taken her to an outdoor concert at the local park. He was a white male; tall, strong and very handsome. They cuddled together on a blanket as they listened to a rendition of Revel’s Bolero. Angela had been asking David many questions about law school as that was to be her next goal. She however had not elaborated to him about her summer job and the very interesting week that she had just experienced. They kissed and hugged and as the concert ended Angela spoke the words that sent David's mind wandering.

"My parents are in Cozumel until the 15th. Forget about a hotel, we have the house entirely to ourselves," she said.

The two of them had already enjoyed the pleasures of each others bodies. However David seemed to notice that each time they had sex Angela seemed more and more aggressive and kinky. He already had deep feelings for her, but on top of that she was now becoming the best sexual partner he had ever had and certainly the most beautiful. Upon hearing of her parent's absence his mind drifted from the concert and he began to think of the long blissful night they would have together. After a few more musical numbers his thoughts were to get her home as quickly as possible.

As they drove home David was passing glances at Angela's healthy and shapely thighs as she sat in the passenger seat. She had worn a white halter top that tightly wrapped her upper body causing her cleavage to swell perfectly. The top left her midriff bared where she displayed her silver belly chain. She wore a very short grey skirt that showed off her shapely, slightly tanned legs. Angela moved her hand over to David's thigh and began to stroke his leg. She could tell that he was becoming erect in his jeans while he was driving as he stepped on the accelerator in order to make haste to their destination. She moved her hand up and down his leg just short of his crotch as she began to think to herself about the terrible sexual burdens that men constantly must carry around. These burdens can make them act so illogically. How embarrassing it must be for them at times. It certainly must have been embarrassing for those inmates on Wednesday she reflected.


It had been another reception procedure. She was already familiar with the routine as she basically had to be present to confirm any information that was collected first person from the inmates and arrange the files as they were brought in. This time the bus brought in 15 men, however she was no longer quite as shy about the fact that they would have to line themselves up on the orange line and strip themselves nude right in front of the table that she sat at. She worked on the forms in the various folders as Sonia and the rest of the instructors screamed at the inmates with a multitude of profanities. As was the case before, the men regarded her with awe as they stood before her. When it became time for the inmates to strip, Angela innocently crossed her legs causing a considerable portion of her thigh to become visible through a slit in her skirt; the same thighs that David was staring at out of the corner of his eye at that very moment with his heavy foot on the accelerator.

As the men couldn't look upon her without being dropped to the floor, she once again discreetly looked upon and appraised them with her peripheral vision. She was becoming like a doctor or a nurse when it became to male nudity; though the more endowed men still brought some excitement to her. One of the inmates, a young man of 18 was staring at her intensely as the slit of her skirt exposed halfway up her thigh. She was aware of his gaze and noticed that his organ was beginning to twitch. Outwardly she was professional and kept working on the forms; inwardly she deemed that it was now time to have a bit of fun. She tossed her head back slightly allowing her long hair to move to the side. Then as she paused to look at a folder she placed her finger quickly into her mouth as if to suggest that she had received a paper cut. The inmate reacted naturally and began to nervously swell uncontrollably in front of her. Sonia was shouting at one of the nude inmates when she requested his folder. Angela got up and walked over to Sonia right within the grasp of five naked men as they stood at attention on the orange line. She smiled cordially to Sonia and handed her the folder. She was now almost completely comfortable in the receiving room.

She then sat down again crossing her legs allowing the slit of her skirt to again show her healthy thighs. She paused as she looked at the forms and put the end of the pen in her mouth. She noticed that her presence had caused three of the other inmates to become erect as well. The instructors didn't pay any attention to when the inmates were aroused but kept shouting at them in high volume. Angela looked up and noticed that the 18 year old was staring directly at her; she met his eyes for an instant. Her beautiful gaze immediately sent his cock slapping up against his stomach. At that moment an instructor began shouting at him to keep his eyes forward. The inmate seemed scared and insecure and began to make face contortions. Angela watched as tears began to fall from his eyes as the instructor continued shouting at him before dropping him to the floor for pushups. His streaming tears made her smile inwardly; not because she found it amusing that he was so miserable or homesick, but only because Sonia had told her that the inmates who cry are usually the ones that never return to the system again. This 18 year old that was now doing pushups would more than likely lead a normal life after this awful experience.

Many of the men had been aroused that day in the receiving room. Angela knew many little tricks that would excite men; tricks that wouldn't seem blatantly out of the ordinary for a secretary to do. Later that same day she had bumped into Sonia in the hallway.

"Well done Angela,” Sonia smirked.

"What do you mean?" Angela responded.

"You know EXACTLY what I mean." She said.

"Well you too." Angela whispered.

Sonia placed her hand on her chest and looked to Angela as if bewildered. They both laughed as they went their separate ways to resume their business.


David had pulled into the driveway of Angela's house in her upper middle-class neighborhood. They both entered the house together but she made sure she took her time with pretty much everything as he lustfully stared at the body that he would soon begin fornicating with in the privacy of her bedroom. David insisted upon taking a shower first as Angela waited in her bedroom. She had something special in store for him before their night of passionate and delicious sin was to begin. While she waited she contemplated what had occurred when she had left the facility that afternoon.


Since it was a Friday, she had planned to drive straight from the facility to David's house so she had brought along her evening clothes with her in a duffle bag. She had planned to go to the ladies room and change out of her work clothes as soon as her shift had ended. She knew that her halter top which revealed some deep cleavage and her midriff was totally unacceptable attire for the facility. But she knew that this late in the afternoon she could walk from the office to the main gate without coming into visual contact with any of the inmates. She had said her weekend goodbyes to Keisha, the C.O. and the other office girls and proceeded to walk into the long corridor that led to the main gate.

As she turned a corner down a second corridor she was shocked to see that there were three inmates mopping the floor under the supervision of one of the male instructors who stood at the far end of the hall. "What the hell are they doing here this late?" she thought to herself. The inmates immediately intensely gazed upon her; she truly looked stunning with her white top contrasting with the glow of her skin perfectly, her heaving breasts easily noticeable. She thought about doubling back but this was the quickest way out of the facility and she was already late. The floor was usually already mopped by this time, they were not supposed to be there. She began walking; she passed the first inmate who made no attempt to hide his glare as he mopped the floor. Her shapely legs were heavenly and her tits seemed to be bursting from the tight white halter top. She then passed the second inmate who she knew was the infamous Clarence King, A.K.A... "T-bone". He was already infamous in the facility and had achieved excessive demerits. The office women were already betting on how soon he would be kicked out of the program and be sent to the penitentiary. Angela kept her eyes straight ahead as she walked down the hall. T-bone smiled and stared right at her.

"Permission to speak Ma'am,” he had said. She had awkwardly stopped in front of him not knowing what to do. This huge, muscled and older gang member was towering over her and asking permission to express himself. The male instructor at the other end of the hall began quickly walking towards the two of them.

Angela awkwardly responded, "Do you need something?"

"Yes ma'am, I do" T-bone said holding a ferocious stare that Angela found very intimidating, "You just look very nice today ma'am."

Angela responded with the standard ladylike response common to all girls who were hit-on by men they wanted nothing to do with. "Thank you, that's very sweet." She quickly resumed walking.

At that moment the instructor's voice echoed throughout the hall. "DROP, DROP!!" Instantly all three men dropped their mops and began doing pushups on the floor. Another instructor had entered and began cursing at the inmates. Angela kept walking past the third inmate who was already toiling on the floor. She left the corridor and walked past two jailers who flirted with her before unlocking the door and then the gate that led to the parking lot of the facility.

The parking lot was adjacent to the exercise yard and at that very moment a platoon of men came running by in formation chanting cadence. Almost all of them turned their heads to look upon Angela; each would create a separate fantasy in his mind as to how they would ravage her body. She was relieved by the time she had arrived at her car. Never again would she change to her casual attire inside the jail. She realized that as much as she enjoyed some of the attention that she received; a stare from an inmate who looked as if he would rape her if he had the chance was sickening to her. She quickly discarded these fearful thoughts as she started her car. She was quite safe as these men were caged and manacled while she was quite free and ready to enjoy her weekend.


It wasn't long before David and Angela were kissing on her bed. He had dried himself off and entered her bedroom completely naked. She still wore her outfit but had discarded her shoes. She had briefly appraised his muscled body and well formed organ before gesturing him over to her bed with her finger. As he joined her she began to stroke his muscles while kissing him passionately. He began to paw at her and move his hands up her thighs and across her top. She shuddered with excitement as he stroked the perfect globes of her breasts through the top that she wore.

"You wanna fuck me, huh, you wanna fuck me?" she said as she gasped from his embrace.

"I wanna fuck you baby, bad!" he said panting.

She placed her hands on his chest and pushed him to his back on the bed. She quickly straddled his body and began to lick at his chiseled stomach and at his nipples. He kept trying to reach to remove her garments but she prevented him and raised his arms over his head. While she continued kissing him she reached over to her side drawer and retrieved some handcuffs.

"You're under arrest." she said smiling as she dangled them from her finger. She moved his bulging arms against the bars of the headboard. He did not resist at all.

"I'd prefer you served me with a writ of habeas corpus," he replied. She had never cuffed him before but she was becoming more and more kinky each time they fucked and he would allow her to do as she pleased. In a moment she had cuffed his hands over his head to the bed and he lay naked with an impressively raging hard-on.

"Come on baby, lick it, suck it, like last time." He whispered. But she withdrew from him and walked away. She took the key for the cuffs and looped it onto a necklace on her dresser. She then began to undress herself from across the room. She unfastened her halter top and tossed it to the side. David's face was wild as he watched her healthy breasts bounce forward in her white lace bra. She kept her belly chain on her body but removed her skirt from about her hips revealing her matching white lace thong panties. All of this she did very slowly allowing him time to enjoy, savor and simmer. She turned off the lamp in the room but left a small nightlight on which gave the room a shadowy, soft, candlelit illumination.

She reached behind her back and unfastened her bra allowing her breasts to bounce forward. David moved in the cuffs, he desperately wanted to begin stroking the soft firm tits that thrust forth naked in the open air and lick her generously sized pink nipples. She then placed the necklace with the handcuff key around her neck, it dangled against the softness of her bosom as she walked towards him. She kneeled on the floor at the side of the bed so that her breasts heaved against the edge of the mattress near the right side of his pelvis as he lay in bondage. With her long nails she began to stroke along his upper thighs keeping her eyes directly on his cock. She trailed her fingers all around it but never touched it at all. He began to struggle against the cuffs.

"C'mon Angela, suck it, lick it!" he said.

She looked to him and smiled. She bent her head down towards his dick and puckered her full lips but then withdrew and instead just blew him a kiss.

"C'mon Angela," he exclaimed impatiently.

"No," she said calmly.

"Why not?" He replied desperately.

"Sweety, your dick is indeed quite impressive, but I've seen you better than this. I want an enthusiastic erection, not just a normal one" she said as she continued to trail her fingers along his thighs while smiling and occasionally looking at him. "I want you throbbing, with your veins protruding."

She pulled her thong straps up so they looped over her hips and departed from him as he lurched in the cuffs; groaning as her touch left him. She walked over to her bookshelf as he watched her shapely ass move. After retrieving her copy of "Lady Chatterley’s Lover" she returned to him. She again kneeled to the side of the bed where she had been before. She placed the book against the right side of his hip and began to read a salacious portion that she had earlier marked. She still continued to stroke his thigh and pelvis with her long nails as she read about the passion of Constance Chatterley, again avoiding touching his member. While reading she would occasionally lick her lips slowly and sensuously. She wanted to experiment with David to make him as desperate as the inmates that she saw everyday. To experience what it would be like to be ravaged by a man who was truly dying of longing for a female.

"Angela please, I'm hard enough," he said.

She smiled at hearing him begin to beg. She put her finger into her mouth and released it with a suck and put it on his lips. "Please be patient David, it may be sometime yet."

David didn't know what to say. He was becoming frustrated yet he wasn't about to get angry at her, he definitely needed to have sex with her and soon. She resumed her reading, as she talked of passionate lovemaking and burning caresses she looked into David's eyes and saw his desperate need which reminded her of what had happened that past Tuesday.


She had been eating lunch in the small cafeteria that was for the staff. Keisha and Tiffany were seated with her as they ate their meals while they chattered about clothes, gardening and other various topics. Through the window of the cafeteria Angela could see that three inmates were seated in front of the drug counselor’s office. Due to the way the hallway was positioned they could just make her out through the cafeteria window but could not see the other two girls. Angela pretended to pay them no mind even though one of them was clearly staring at her.

As Tiffany and Keisha chatted away, Angela pulled out the banana from her lunch bag. It was larger than the average banana and she knew she would more than likely not finish it. She held it in her hand close to her mouth. She quickly glanced from the corner of her eyes and saw that all three of the inmates were now looking at her with complete attention. She slowly peeled the banana while still holding it close to her mouth. Keisha and Tiffany were too deep into their own conversation to take notice of her. She took the banana into her mouth, sucking in her cheeks as she did so. She pulled her mouth off the banana and slowly chewed. After which she took a sip of her beverage and wiped the residue from her lips before putting the banana in her mouth again and taking a long slow bite. From the corner of her vision she saw that there were actually five inmates. Two were now leaning over to get a better view as she pretended not to notice them. She slowly continued eating the banana for their entertainment making it last for several minutes before an instructor arrived to retrieve the five inmates to march them outside for another round of calisthenics in the sweltering heat.


For five to ten minutes she read to David who was becoming increasingly impatient as she continued caressing everything but his cock. At one point he thrust his hips upward causing her book to fall to the floor.

"Please don't do that again, or I may have to leave the room," she warned.

"No don't do that," he said now fully unable to control himself. "I couldn't stand it if you left me; you look so beautiful right now, PLEASE," Her lips were full and perfect and could massage his dick to eruption; her heavy breasts were pressed against the bed, the key that held him in bondage rested against her soft cleavage.

"Oh you are just so nice to me," she responded in a girlish way. She reached to grab his dick but just before she touched it she quickly withdrew her hand holding it away. He thrust his hips up again as the book fell to the floor.

"Oh no, I guess I have to leave you now," she said, mocking his desperation for her.

"NO, please don't, please take me in your mouth now!" he said pleading.

"I'm so very sorry, but I'm afraid it isn't throbbing the way I enjoy it, I think it may need to cook a bit longer, Don't you?" He groaned in response his arms bulging in the cuffs. She crawled over to the end of the bed, to his toes. She looked at him and began to lick his big toe. He immediately felt the sensation of her tongue as it tickled his foot. She kept her eyes on him the entire time as she licked his toes with just the tip of her tongue, reaching up and massaging his upper thighs as she continued. She took his toe entirely into her mouth and he shuddered as he felt her tongue circle around the tip of it. She released his toe with a sucking sound and crawled back over to her book. His dick was raging with veins popping along the sides. She brought her face close to inspect it and again began massaging around it without actually touching it. She stroked his hips and looked towards her book again.

"Let me share with you another chapter," she said as David groaned miserably in desperation and desire.

His cock was now as hard as Sean's had become during the surprise shakedown earlier in the week.


Surprise shakedowns were quite common at all correctional facilities as inmates would often smuggle in drugs and weapons. Ironically it was most often the guards that allowed such smuggling to occur. This was her first time witnessing a shakedown and her first time in the actual barracks of the inmates. She had to accompany the C.O. and all the instructors with a clipboard as they did a thorough search of each section. Needless to say there was the usual cursing, pushups and nudity that she had become used to.

Each inmate had to strip naked, stand himself at attention at the end of his bunk. One officer would inspect the inmate thoroughly using rubber gloves, while the other officer would plow through the inmate’s belongings. Each bay took a total of 30 minutes to fully inspect and there were six bays in all. The men would have to remain nude until their area had been completely searched. Angela stood fully dressed within the grasp of the naked, embarrassed and sometimes erect inmates. She had the name of each man on her clipboard and would check them off if they were searched and found to be clean, or if they were in possession of contraband.

A canine unit was actually brought in to sniff for drugs at one point. She was surprised to find that they had found a bag of cannabis in one of the inmate’s footlockers. The instructor immediately handcuffed the inmate and told Angela to put a red check mark by his name in the clipboard to which she complied. A red check mark essentially meant that this inmate would immediately be sent to the penitentiary. He had committed a serious infraction from which there were no second chances or reprimands. As she uncapped her red pen and stroked the mark next to the inmates name a feeling of sadness engulfed her. This man had a chance and failed to embrace it and now he would do hard time. He was led away in cuffs by two of the guards.

For what seemed like an interminable time she walked past each inmate as they were thoroughly searched. She had never seen so much male anatomy in her life. She moved along walking past each man standing at attention as she read off the names of the searched individuals one by one. She eventually read the name of inmate Anderson, Sean R. A male instructor began searching through Sean's foot locker and going through his mattress. Sean stood naked and at attention. He looked directly at Angela who had read his name off the clipboard. She was dressed conservatively but her skirt and blouse wrapped so tightly about her that he was mesmerized all over again. He had been quite popular in high school and he knew that she must have remembered his name by now.

Angela stood within a few feet of Sean as he struggled to keep his dick from swelling right in front of her; he was failing. The more he tried to stop it from happening the worse it seemed to become. Guards and instructors were all over the barracks searching the various inmates, screaming and cursing. Angela looked about the shambles of the bay and then turned back towards Sean who now was presenting a massive hard-on. She instantly looked towards her clipboard. Sean turned beet red, he was naked and erect right in front of her; he wondered if this could become any more humiliating. Unfortunately for him, the answer was yes. Sonia approached him as she snapped on her rubber gloves and ordered Sean to turn around and bend over. He was devastated but he immediately complied.

For what seemed an agonizingly endless time Sean bent over with his backside spread in front of his dream girl, the girl he desired more intensely than any he had ever seen as this female instructor inspected him. How could he even face her again after this. But he would have to face her as after Sonia finished the examination she ordered him to turn about and stand to attention once again.

"Cavity search negative," Sonia told Angela as she marked it on the clipboard.

"Your middle initial is 'R' correct?" asked Angela quietly and civilly. Suddenly, T-bone who was standing at attention at the very next bunk interjected.

"You can jus call him peckerhead like the res of us ma'am," he remarked loudly as a few of the inmates snickered. Sonia immediately ordered T-bone to the floor to begin toiling. Sean turned a deeper shade of red in embarassment at having his unflattering pseudonym publicly declared in front of Angela.

"Yes, R is my middle initial" replied Sean angrily as he stood rigid. Immediately the male instructor who had been searching his footlocker was in his face.

"It's yes MA'AM, FUCKHEAD," he shouted.

Sean paused before responding as told. "YES MA'AM!"

As the male instructor finished tearing through Sean's locker, Angela's eyes met Sean's. It was only for few moments but the exchange was definite. A naked and erect, blushing and imprisoned Sean Anderson regarded the fully dressed, beautiful and free Angela Prescott. He now knew that she recognized him and probably had from the very first time in the reception room as well. Angela looked to Sean and suddenly all the insults and cruelty that he had subjected her to came to her mind.

He had been very mean to her but now the tables had turned. As much as she tried to stop herself she couldn't resist giving him a triumphant smirk that he more than recognized. He stood before her utterly defeated; he knew that she was more than aware that he was lusting for her. With that terrible but beautiful smile she was mocking him in his incarceration and loneliness. She had him right where she wanted him and there wasn't a thing he could do about it other than stand before her helplessly nude and at attention with his throbbing hard-on betraying how much he desired her while she gloated in victory.

"Property search negative," the instructor shouted to Angela, who quickly checked off Sean's name indicating that he had completed the search successfully. "However I noticed his bunk was made up very sloppily before I tore it up, SO DROP!”

Sean immediately dropped to the ground at Angela's feet to yet again perform pushups in the nude. He watched her high heeled shoes walk barely a foot in front of his face as Angela moved to the next inmate.


"Alright Angela, PLEASE LET ME LOOSE!" exclaimed David.

She had been reading for an additional ten minutes while she stroked his body and licked her lips. She finally tossed the book aside and put her face right up to his engorged cock.

"It hurts, my cock hurts, please Angela It's SO READY FOR YOU!" he begged.

"Oh dear," she whispered. "You poor thing, it's causing you pain, perhaps I can cool it off a bit." She brought her mouth within an inch of the base of his dick, puckered her full lips and began to blow air along the shaft. David once again tried to thrust his hips upward hoping to have his cock touch her lips.

"Ah, ah ah....remember what I said," She reminded him as she resumed blowing air onto his fully swollen member. She began whispering to him as she paused from her gentle blowing. "I'm hoping this cools the poor thing off, it is so huge and it throbs just the way I like it, it's so beautiful. Oh David, there's nothing that I would like more than to wrap my lips around your big hard cock." She placed her hand barely an inch away from his member and ran her fingers up and down along his shaft without touching.

"PLEASE ANGELA, I BEG YOU," he shouted.

With that, she took his dick into her hand. He immediately jerked his body as if he had been electrocuted. She began to lick the shaft from the base to its tip with her tongue as he groaned loudly. At first she used just the very tip of it but then used more of her tongue as if she was licking a popsicle. His arms pulled at the cuffs. She kissed the head of his dick and took it into her mouth while massaging his inner thighs with her hands. His face was wild with pleasure as she suddenly withdrew.

"NO!" he shouted.

She contemplated reading to him some more, or caressing him and making him grovel for her yet again, but she couldn't. She already had her fun and it was now time to bring pleasure to her man and quench his raging desires. She took his cock fully into her mouth and began to suck. He gasped as she did this feeling the warmth of her mouth and her tongue. She continued massaging his thighs as she sucked and licked. She then moved her fingers to his balls and began to gently squeeze them, caressing away the pain that he had been experiencing. He looked to her, the feeling of her sucking him was incredible as she knew just how to do it; the view of her pretty face, her full lips wrapped around him, her hair draped over his pelvis, her tits pushing against his side and her hands tickling his balls were too much. He was so pent up with lust that it wasn't long before he cried out and erupted, his load shooting into her mouth which she happily swallowed.

She continued to suck him off and squeeze and caress his balls until long after he was empty. When he was no longer hard, she wiped her mouth and straddled him, putting her breasts in his face as she unlocked him from his torment. His bulging arms immediately wrapped around her soft body to keep her from escaping.

"Do you forgive me?" she said very innocently.

"I forgive you baby, come here." he said as he cuddled her to his strong sweaty chest. He needed time to refill but soon he would pleasure her in a multitude of positions.

They lay together for a time when Angela yet again began to think about what had occurred that week. She thought about her intentional teasing of the inmates, about how she unfairly gloated in front of Sean and how she tortured poor David.

"David, would you do something for me?" She said.

"Anything Mrs. Chatterley." he mused.

"I've been rather naughty, you have no idea; I want you to take me over your knee and punish me," she said.

"What?" he responded, surprised by the level of kinkiness she was requesting.

"You haven't heard how I've been misbehaving at my job. I need to be punished. I want you to take me over your knee and spank my ass until its red." She whispered.

Almost before she had finished speaking he was already getting up. He got into a seated position as she crawled over his knee. He pulled her thong underwear down over her rear and then down to her knees. Her round, wide but firm ghetto ass was exposed for him to discipline. He wasted no time as he began to spank her; first one cheek then the other as he alternated. He did it just hard enough so that it would sting only slightly though the slap echoed through the room. She moaned like a whore as he felt her pussy getting wet along his lap. She arched her back and raised her ass into the air, eager for his correction. As she continued to moan he pulled her long hair with his other hand, keeping her still.

The spanking was exciting her greatly. She knew she had been naughty and unkind all week and that the inmates were jerking-off to her likeness. She had mocked Sean in his imprisonment and had enjoyed doing so. But this was not the way for her to behave, and now she was paying for it. As David continued striking her, she looked up towards her shelf. Three of her stuffed animals that she had kept from childhood seemed as if they were staring at her in shock. She was no longer the sweet, innocent, little girl that had once cuddled with them. She was now a voluptuous, intelligent, sexual woman being corrected by a stronger male. She had just sucked his cock and swallowed his cum eagerly and he was now spanking her ass as she repeatedly raised it towards him.

"Fuck, shit, fuck." she began to moan and pant as he slapped her cheeks...."oooooh FUCK!" David was surprised by her speech as she was not usually given to foul language. "Okay, that's enough," she said. Her ass was slightly red and properly sore. She crawled off of him and fell to the floor and knelt naked before him. She placed her two hands together just under her chin. "Once you have refilled, I beg you to make passionate love to me all night David."

He gently took her hand in his and raised her from the floor. He wrapped his strong arms around her body and kissed her gently. They would get very little sleep tonight and would probably sleep-in past noon.

"I love you Angela" said David. He felt very awkward making such an important declaration after he had just spanked her.

She paused before responding, ”Thank-you, that's so sweet" she said. She was a bit taken aback by his revelation. She had never had a boyfriend until just the last two years and she wasn't ready to open her heart as it had been spat upon so many times in the past by cruel people.

David was somewhat crushed by her rejection and non-response . He meant what he said. But for now he would let the matter go and leave it for later. He was still a man and wasn't about to let his emotions interfere with a night of passionate sex.


In the darkened barracks Sean had completed his nightly masturbation session. He returned to his bunk where earlier that week he had stripped, sprouted an erection and bent over in front of the girl he wanted more than any other. He asked himself again could this situation get any worse. Again the answer would prove to be yes. As he approached his bunk he noticed T-bone was seated on it. He rose from the bunk upon seeing Sean and approached him.

"Hey peckerhead, I think these are yours," he whispered as he handed Sean a pair of purple thong panties. Sean stared at them in shock as a couple of the inmates in the nearby bunks laughed. "Keep them hidden under your fuckin bunk till I tell you tell bring em out," he said softly as not to be heard by the outside guard. Sean wasn't prepared to fight with T-bone so he simply did as instructed while the other inmates chuckled. He put the panties under his mattress. T-bone smiled and crawled onto his bunk to go to sleep.

Sean's world seemed to be crashing down around him. There was no way he was going to be the platoon bitch and model underwear in front of the other inmates. But to refuse would mean he would have to fight T-bone; a person whom had knocked him to the ground with just one punch at the county jail, a man who could kill him. Sean lay in his bunk terrified. He had only two options, both would result in extreme agony whether emotional or physical. He cursed himself for getting arrested as tears began to swell in his eyes. How many times had he intentionally made other people cry, now here he was weeping like some little girl. He wept and thought of his lost freedom and yet again about the stunning woman that had defeated him and who was still haunting his mind terribly.


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