Tuesday, October 11, 2005

"I love To Watch Them Spurt" Chap. 4 by Doug N.

Chapter Four

Permanent CFNM

Sally has now achieved what she set out to do with Roger, get complete control over him. It is better than she had dreamed. Not only will he do her bidding no matter what outrageous things she asks but he loves it. The trip to the woman's strip club was so sensuous for Roger that it becomes a regular act. Sally never gets tired of seeing Roger stripped and abused. When she gets Roger alone he is putty in her hand.

Sally and Roger graduate from high school and go on to state college away from home. Arriving in her new town Sally needs a place to live. When she looks in the paper, she sees an ad.

Two female roommates in house with 2 spare bedrooms. Retired male owner. $200.00 per month. Full house privileges. Swimming pool. 555-1212

Sally calls the number and Donald Nelson, the owner, answers. Sally agrees to drive to the residence. When she sees it, she is delighted. It is a 4 bedroom home with one bedroom converted into an office. Mr. Nelson is recently widowed so he only uses the master bedroom. The house also has a pool. Also present is Jennifer McIntyre, also a freshman at state. They both agree to take the rooms.

Mr. Nelson: You have free reign of the house so you can use the bathroom that is part of the master suite. If I am taking a shower I am going to consider you part of the woodwork. I also refuse to wear a suit when I am in the pool. If those terms are acceptable, you have the rooms.

Sally and Jennifer: Those terms are acceptable.

The girls begin moving in the next day

The following day when Sally arises Jennifer is using the hall bathroom so she decided to use the bathroom in the master suite. When she enters, she finds Mr. Nelson taking a shower. Remembering that he said it was OK Sally proceeds in anyway. When she sees Mr. Nelson naked in the shower she smiles and waves at him. He waves back.

Sally: Would you like your back scrubbed?

Mr. Nelson: Yes, that would be nice.

Mr. Nelson hands her the soap. Sally sudses her hands and proceeds to thoroughly wash his back.

Sally: You are in good shape for a man of your age.

Mr. Nelson: I will take that as a compliment Sally.

Sally then proceeds to wash his genetalia. She stops short of ejaculating him, sudsing him only until he has an erection.

In the weeks that follow, Sally puts her stuff in Mr. Nelson's bathroom and leaves the other bathroom to Jennifer. Washing Mr. Nelson's back and stimulating to erection every morning becomes a ritual. Sally notices that he seems to like her looking at him in the nude. Sally does not reciprocate by letting him see her in the shower. Sally notices that she gains a perverse pleasure in seeing him erect but not letting him cum.

A few weeks into the semester, Sally says to Mr. Nelson.

Sally: Mr. Nelson, my mother wants to come and visit me. I see that you have a spare bed in the garage. Could we set it up in the office so that my mother could stay with me?

Mr. Nelson: Sure Sally, it'll be up when you return from school today. When will your mother be here?

Sally: Friday night. She will stay for the weekend.

Mr. Nelson: I'll look forward to meeting her. Make sure she understands the rules here.

Sally: I will.

Friday Mrs. Sutton arrives and is introduced to Mr. Nelson. They both cordially say hello.

The next morning Mrs. Sutton asks Sally which bathroom to use.

Sally: I use the one in the master bedroom. If he is in there he won't mind.

Mrs. Sutton goes into the bedroom that is part of the master bathroom. Mr. Nelson is taking a shower.

Mrs. Sutton: Oh excuse me, Sally said you won't mind if I use this bathroom.

Mr. Nelson turns to face her so that she gets chance to see his full frontal nudity.

Mr. Nelson: No, I don't mind. Please go right ahead.

Mrs. Sutton: Would you like me to wash your back for you?

Mr. Nelson: I'd like that very much.

Mrs. Sutton takes the soap and proceeds to wash Mr. Nelson's back. After she washes his back, she without asking proceeds to his buttocks.

Mrs. Sutton: You are quite fit aren't you.

Mr. Nelson: Thank you for saying so.

Mrs. Sutton reaches her hand into the crack between his buttocks and washes his anus. Next, she reaches between his legs and starts washing his upper thighs her hands brushing against his testicles as she does so. She proceeds lower washing the rest of his legs. Mr. Nelson notes that she takes great care thoroughly washing his feet.

Mrs. Sutton: Turn around please!

Mr. Nelson does as he is told. He notes that his cock is level with her face. She now proceeds up his body. When she reaches his crotch she matter of factly washes the inside of his thighs like it was something she does every day brushing against his testicles as she does so.

Without hesitating she cups his balls with her hands and carefully yet very thoroughly washes his penis and balls.

Mrs. Sutton: You are a nicely built man.

Mr. Nelson: Thank you.

Mrs. Sutton: Oh, you darling man you! How sweet you are!

Mr. Nelson: What?

Mrs. Sutton: You are responding to me. Look at that beautiful erection you are growing! How you flatter me!

It is true, his penis is now half erect and growing larger every second.

She watches his penis grow until it is hard as a rock.

Mrs. Sutton: Well, you certainly have given away your feelings for me, haven't you?

Mr. Nelson: I guess a penis doesn't lie.

Mrs. Sutton now proceeds up his body until she finishes washing. When she has finished his upper body she returns to his genetalia and gazes at it intently.

Mrs. Sutton: Yes, you are a nicely built man. A girl could get to like a man like you.

She then proceeds to run her fingertips over Mr. Nelson's cock and balls.

Mrs. Sutton: Well, lets rinse you off.

Mrs. Nelson step into the shower and quickly rinses of the suds. Mrs. Sutton waits for him and watches him rinse off, never taking her eyes off him.

As he steps out of the shower, she takes a towel and towels him dry. Mr. Nelson stands quietly and lets her ministrate to him. When she reaches his genitalia he is still erect.

Mrs. Sutton: Look at you, you stud, such virility, you sure don't need viagra.

Mr. Nelson: Thank you for the compliment.

Mrs. Sutton takes great care patting Mr. Nelson cock and balls dry. She then proceeds to dry off his legs. When she finishes, she says.

Mrs. Sutton: Thank you Mr. Nelson, that was a great pleasure for me. I have been divorced for some years, it has been a long time since I have been able to give a man a bath like that.

Mr. Nelson: I am delighted that you enjoyed it. As you can see, my friend John enjoyed it as much as I did. (He is pointing to his erect penis.)

Mrs. Sutton: Well John, why don't you let me give you a massage.

Mr. Nelson says nothing but lies on his bed.

Mrs. Sutton with her hand proceeds directly to Mr. Nelson's balls which she cups in her hand.

Mrs. Sutton: You have nice balls.

Mr. Nelson: Thank you.

Mrs. Sutton lets go of his balls and begins to trace over them lightly with her fingernails. Mr. Nelson cock quivers with delight. She cups his balls again this time massaging them in her fingers, he gaze affixed to his cock. She is smiling and humming to herself, enjoying herself enormously.

Only when his scrotum pulls tightly to his body does she take his cock in her hand. She strokes lightly from the base to the tip massaging his balls continuing her contented humming as she does.

Suddenly Mrs. Sutton feels Mr. Nelson's cock harden even more, his cock jerks and ejaculates all over his abdomen. Mrs. Sutton does not stock her gently rhythmic stroking or her contented humming. Only when she has extracted the last drop of semen from his body does she stop. Excusing herself she goes to the bathroom for some toilet tissue which she uses to wipe the cum off Mr. Nelson's abdomen.

Mrs. Sutton: Thank you John and you too Mr. Nelson, I know you enjoyed that as much as I did. Do you know what I would like to do?

Mr. Nelson: What?

Mrs. Sutton: I would like to use your hot tub.

Mr. Nelson: Yes, lets.

He gets up to go to the hot tub and is surprised to see that she has disappeared. He goes to the hot tub anyway. In a few minutes, she joins him. He is surprised to see that she is wearing a one-piece swimming suit. He thought she would go in naked. He decides not to mention it. When the two girls see them in the hot tub they decide to join. Both girls put on suits, only Mr. Nelson is naked. When they all get out of the hot tub the girls refuse him a towel, they want to towel him off himself.

Mr. Nelson: I'd better go get dressed.

Mrs. Sutton: Please don't, we like you better like this.

Several times during the weekend, Mr. Nelson tries to get dressed. Each time he is stopped by Mrs. Sutton, pleading with him to stay naked for her sake. The girls grow amused that she is successful in keeping him out of his clothes.

When he excuses himself to go to the bathroom he is surprised that she goes with him.

Mr. Nelson: Why are you following me?

Mrs. Sutton: You are going to the bathroom aren't you?

Mr. Nelson: Yes.

Mrs. Sutton: Well, I don't want you touching yourself.

Mr. Nelson: I am just going to the bathroom!

Mrs. Sutton: I won't have you touching yourself!

Mr. Nelson looks at her perplexed; he has never known a woman so openly sensual, so strong and willful.

Mr. Nelson: OK.

Mrs. Sutton takes his penis and holds it for him while he urinates.

Mrs. Sutton: That wasn't so bad was it.

Mr. Nelson: No, I guess not.

The next morning is Sunday and Mr. Nelson hasn't worn a stitch of clothing all day Saturday. Mrs. Sutton gives him another bath and another sensual handjob. Before she leaves, she lets him get dressed.

Mrs. Sutton: Is it alright if I come back next week.

Mr. Nelson: Of course.

The next Friday she returns. As soon as she arrives, she orders him to strip.

Instantly he complies. When he is naked, she has him twirl for her so she can admire his body.

When it is time to go to bed she does not go to her own bed but goes without asking to the queen sized bed in the master bedroom. He moves close to her trying to let him make love to her.

She reaches for his cock and proceeds to give him another handjob for which she is practiced and perfect.

The next morning she bathes him again, humming contentedly all the time including when she is jacking him off. Again, she tells him she does not want him to touch himself and assists him to pee.

In late Sunday when she leaves again she doesn't allow him to dress. She insists that he stay naked and tells him not to put any clothes on unless she allows him to.

This amuses the girls who tell their friends that Sally's mother has stripped their landlord and won't let him wear any clothes.

Melissa: You mean he doesn't wear any clothes ever.

Sally: Yes,

Melissa: So right now he is naked at home.

Sally: Yes.

Melissa: So if I went home with you right now Mr. Nelson would be naked.

Sally: Yes.

Melissa: And I could see him naked.

Sally: Yes.

Melissa: This I have to see.

Sally: Request granted.

They proceed home which is only a short walk from the university. As they enter, Mr. Nelson is sitting watching television, naked as a jaybird.

Sally: Mr. Nelson, this is my friend Melissa, she wanted to meet you.

Melissa: Hello, Mr. Nelson.

Mr. Nelson: Hello, Melissa. Sally, I am glad you are here, I have to go to the bathroom.

Sally: Melissa, would you like to help Mr. Nelson go to the bathroom.

Melissa: Yes, definitely. This would be a new experience.

Mr. Nelson: This way Melissa.

Mr. Nelson leads her to the hall bathroom when she holds his penis while he urinates. When he has finished, she takes a piece of toilet papers off the roll and wipes the droplet of urine off his glans.

Mr. Nelson: Thank you Melissa, I had to go very bad.

Melissa: Mr. Nelson, why don't you go by yourself?

Mr. Nelson: Mrs. Sutton does not allow me to touch myself.

Melissa: What kind of hold has she over you?

Mr. Nelson: She has no hold over me; I do what she wants because I like her.

Melissa: How do you go to the store or the bank?

Mr. Nelson: Mrs. Sutton or the girls do that for me.

They return to the living room.

Melissa: I have to leave. I have homework to do.

She leaves.

The word that Mr. Nelson is in a permanent cfnm condition gets out amongst the female population of the university. Many friends of Jennifer and Sally come by to see and even a few female teachers. Eventually girls who have need to naked men begin to use Mr. Nelson as their guinea pig. Girls in nursing or female doctors come by to practice on Mr. Nelson to learn how to look for a hernia. Girls in art come by the sketch Mr. Nelson in the nude for their art classes. No one asks Mr. Nelson for permission, permission must be obtained by Mrs. Sutton.

Eventually an art teacher want Mr. Nelson to come to class so that he can be sketched in the nude. When she asks Mrs. Sutton, she says:

Mrs. Sutton: How is he going to get to art class in the nude without being arrested?

Mr. Nelson: Can't he wear clothes to class?

Mrs. Sutton: No, he is mine and I want him naked. If you want him at the art class you will have to find a way to get him there naked and without the police getting involved.

The matter is solved when the whole class comes to the Nelson residence to sketch him in the nude.

Meanwhile Mrs. Sutton comes to visit every weekend. Even while she is not there, Mr. Nelson stays nude.

Each time she visits, she rewards him for his loyalty. Each time she visits they sleep together but never does she have vaginal intercourse with him and never does she let him see her naked.

Roger is also going to state university. Some time he comes over to swim and use the hot tub. Jennifer too gets into cfnm, her boyfriend is cajoled into taking off his clothes. Soon they have cfnm parties, where all the men are naked and all the women are clothed. The men never object to this unfair situation because the parties always end with the women jacking off the men en mass.

"I love To Watch Them Spurt" Chap. 3 by Doug N.

Chapter Three

Sally is ecstatic about her new boyfriend. Not only is he sensuously good-looking but she has developed complete control over him. She wants to demonstrate that control to her friends. She decides to have a sleep over for her girl friends. She tells Roger to come by late at night, and climb in through the upstairs windows. She knows her mother wouldn't really mind for what she has planned but it is somehow more exciting if he comes through the window.

After her girfriends and herself are ready to go to bed and are in their pajamas she hears a knock at her window. It is Roger. She opens the window and lets him in. Sally then introduces Roger to her girlfriends.

Sally: Would you girls like to play a game with Roger?

Girls: Yes, yes, they chime together.

Sally: Let's play strip poker, the girls against the boys. Any objections.

There are none.

Sally: Good then here are the rules. It is 5 card stud, no draw, when a boy wins the losing girl takes off one article of clothing. When a girls wins the boy takes off one article of clothing.

Melanie: I object we are all in pajamas and Roger has more clothes on.

Sally grabs Melanie and whispers to her.

Sally: You dolt, only when Roger has the best hand will one girl have to take something off and there are 5 of us.

Sally deals the cards. Roger loses quickly and is down to his underwear. Only one girl has lost an article of clothing. Roger is growing hard and the girls can see the outline of his cock clearly through his underwear.

Sally deals again and again Roger loses.

Sally: Stand up Roger!

Roger is facing the girls, Sally slips behind him and pulls down his briefs. The hem catches his cock and it springs free as Sally pulls down his briefs. The girls giggle at the bouncing cock.

Sally: Let's play some more.

Trudy: What is there to play for now that Roger is naked?

Sally: If a girl loses she will take off an article of clothing and if Roger loses she will get to fondle his behind. Ok Roger.

Roger: OK.

It is Trudy's turn to deal this time and again Roger loses. Melanie has the highest hand and lasciviously caresses Roger behind. Melanie reaches behind Roger to caress his behind so his erect cock is right in her face.

Sally: This time if Roger loses all the girls will get to fondle his private parts.

This time Roger wins and Trudy has the lowest hand for the second time. She takes off her second slipper.

Another deal and Roger loses again. The girls except for Sally eagerly reach for Roger's cock and balls. Sally leans back enjoying the show, enjoying the girls reaction and her power over Roger. Roger leans back and opens his legs allowing the girls access to his most private parts. The girls, except for Sally are grasping, fondling Roger's cock and balls. Trudy has taken to stroking Roger's cock.

Under this sensuous assault Roger quickly cums and shoots sperm up into the air. The girls gasp when this happens and rivet their eyes to Roger's pulsating cock erupting with man lava. They continue to stroke him until every last droplet of sperm has emerged and only when he is soft do they let him go.

Roger relaxes on the floor his legs still apart and his sex still exposed. The girls hands are covered with sperm and they look at each other with shock and amazement. They cannot believe they acted with such animalistic frenzy. They look at Roger lying naked on the floor as if to reassure themselves that what they have just done is actually real. Gradually they get up to go to the bathroom to wash themselves off. Sally throws a blanket over Roger and he falls asleep where he lay.

The next morning finds Roger still asleep while the girls are already awake and are dressed. When the girls are all awake and are fixing breakfast. Sally awakens Roger.

Roger starts looking for his clothes.

Sally: No Roger, you won't find your clothes. We want you to stay as you are.

Roger: Stay naked.

Sally: Yes, stay naked. We all took a vote, we want you to stay naked all day.

Roger thinks a minute and discovers that he likes to idea of being naked all day amongst these girls.

Roger: OK. Excuse me I have to go to the bathroom.

Sally: No Roger, you can't go to the bathroom by yourself. We won't allow you to touch yourself. Only a girl can touch you.

Roger pauses.

Roger: That's really kinky but OK. Who is going to accompany me to the bathroom.

Sally: I will.

Roger: OK, let's go.

Sally yelling: Girls, I am taking Roger to the bathroom.

The girls come running and are all present when Sally grasps Roger's flaccid penis so that he can take a piss. Roger takes his piss with all the girls watching. When he is done Sally takes some bathroom tissue and wipes the little drop of urine from the tip of his cock.

The girls next take Roger into the kitchen where they all have a breakfast of pancakes and eggs. After breakfast the girls decide to give Roger a bath. They each take turns washing him and his private parts. Under this sensual assault Roger gets an erection quickly but the girls enjoying their play have learned not to let him cum too fast. As soon as his erection gets hard they wait until he starts to soften before starting again. They play with their toy for over an hour before Roger cums, this time in oozes instead of spurts, his love muscle being just too tired.

Still the girls do not give him back his clothes. They haven't finished with him yet, they want to take him out in public. Sally tells him to get into the car naked where the girls join him fully clothed. They drive to a beach where Sally knows that is populated by the public but is not patrolled by the police. There the park alongside the road where Roger gets out of the car still naked. The girls not wanted to provoke someone calling the police, shield Roger from the view of passing motorists. They also give him back his tennis shoes so that he does not have to walk barefoot to the beach. On the way to the beach Roger passes a few people on their way back to their cars who cannot but notice that Roger is naked amidst 5 girls. They all smile and cast wry glances.

The each is well populated but not crowded. There are people there of all ages and sexes, only Roger is nude. The first thing that is done is the girls all have Roger rub them down with suntan lotion. By the time he finishes this he has a half hard-on. They the girls all help Roger put on his suntan lotion. Sally insists that she alone put the suntan lotion over Roger's genitals. After completed putting on suntan lotion Sally decided that she should take Roger for a walk along the beach. Roger still has his hard on and during the walk Sally can't keep her hands off him. In addition to holding his hand as they walk she constantly plays with his behind and rubs up against him. Eventually she tires of holding his hand and decides that they should walk hand and prick down the beach. So there they are on the beach walking calmly along with Sally holding Roger's erect cock in her hand in full public view. Eventually she decides she has had enough, gives Roger back his clothes and takes him home.

Sally and her mother decide to do even more exciting things with Roger. The next weekend the take him to a live male strip show. Sally tells Roger she has something special for him that he will enjoy even more and that he should wear old clothes and bring a separate set of clothes. After they enter the male strip club Sally handcuffs Roger's hands in the front. A large woman dressed as a dominatrix then comes to get Roger still fully clothed. Before Roger knows what is happening, he is standing handcuffed with a dominatrix in front of a large audience of women. The dominatrix speaks:

Dominatrix: We just found this little pervert sneaking around my dressing room. What do you say I punish him for that?

The audience cheers.

With that she stands Roger in front of a large steel, she puts a hook attached to a rope and using a winch winches the rope until Roger is standing with his hands over his head. He is not quite helpless but that will change. The Dominatrix next takes a bar attached to the base of the device with two ankle bracelets on the end which she affixes to Roger's ankles. Roger will later learn that it is called a leg spreader. Roger is more helpless but still not completely helpless. The dominatrix now takes a leather belt attached to the middle of the device and affixes the leather belt around Roger's middle. Now is now completely helpless. He can move but just barely, he is completely at the mercy of the dominatrix. Roger has no idea what is happening to him. He feels very uneasy but it has happened so fast that he has had no time to respond. He glances over to the wings where he sees Sally who smiles back reassuringly.

The dominatrix now using the winch lifts Roger up so that his feet are off the floor.

Dominatrix: Who wants to take off his shoes and socks?

Practically every hand in the place goes up. A woman comes forward who removes Roger's shoes and socks. The dominatrix now lowers Roger so that his feet are on the floor. The dominatrix now produces a pair of scissors.

Dominatrix: Who want to take off his perverts shirt? Another woman is chosen who cuts Roger's shirt off.

The same procedure is followed with Roger's t shirt, then his pants until he is dressed only in his briefs.

Dominatrix: How much am I bid for his underpants? The bidding goes to $25 and the cutest, most petite, ladylike looking woman comes forward who eagerly takes the scissors and cuts off Roger's underpants. Roger is now completely naked, the women cheer while Roger squirms. Roger now has a rampant erection.

Dominatrix: Look at the arrogance of this boy. He has the arrogance to point that thing at me.

She rudely grabs Roger's cock and pulls on it as if to pull it off his body. Next she cups her one hand around Roger's balls and digs her fingernails into Roger's scrotum until he hollars.

Dominatrix: You little prick, do you know what I am going to do to you.

Roger does not answer. She slaps his face.

Roger: No, maam.

Dominatrix: I am going to turn you over to this mob and let them do whatever they want to you. What do you think of that?

Roger: I don't know maam. Please don't hurt me.

Dominatrix: Who wants this here boy toy to do whatever you please. It is a dollar for 10 seconds or five dollars a minute.

The women rush to the stage, most with $5 bills and form a long line. There the women fulfill their fantasies of dominance over their handsome boy toy. Despite Roger's helplessness they seem in awe of him. Seldom do they hit or spank him. Mostly then rub their hands over his chest and hips and then over his cock caressing it gently and then grabbing it and cupping their hands over his balls. Some women produce $10, $20 and even $100 bills, to get as much time as they want with Roger. Many women come back a second and a third time to enjoy their dominance fantasies with this helpless boy toy. Several times the dominatrix has to stop their advance to let Roger cool down so that he won't cum and grow soft.

When the women have all satisfied themselves or run out of money the dominatrix says:

Dominatrix: This boy toy has performed beautifully, hasn't he.

The women cheer.

Dominatrix: Who wants a public fucking?

The women cheer.

Dominatrix: he cute, petite little lady old enough to be Roger's mother jumps on stage.

Woman: I do.

Dominatrix: Well, you can't do it clothed.

The woman starts to strip. Meanwhile three large female stage hands come out and with the dominatrix remove Roger from his contraption, lift him up bodily and put him into a kind of narrow reclining chair so that his erect dick is pointing straight up.

The woman is now nude, and Roger is facing the audience. Back to the audience so that they can see she straddles Roger and sits on his cock. He is strapped to the chair and cannot move. The woman slides down his cock as easily as a fireman on his pole. She commences to slide up and down Roger's cock. The dominatrix takes a tv camera and gets in close so that the audience can clearly see the repeated penetration on the TV screen located on the walls throughout the niteclub. The woman impales herself repeatedly as she slides up and down Roger's cock each time more vigorously than the last.

Soon Roger can feel the woman's pussy grab his dick and release it involuntarily as the woman begins her orgasm. When she satisfies herself Roger still hasn't cum. The dominatrix pulls the woman off Roger's cock and grabs Roger's dick and strokes it a couple of times. Roger cums massively shooting sperm over his head into the air. The audience cheers wildly.

The stage hands clean up the mess and Roger is released from the contraption. Half of the money Roger has earned is kept and the other half is given to Mrs. Sutton. Sally comes out on stage with Roger's clothes and is allowed to dress him in front of the audience. Then she and Mrs. Sutton take Roger home. Roger confesses on the way home that he loved every minute of it and wishes it would happen again.

Mrs. Sutton: That can be arranged.

Roger becomes a regular at the club.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

"I love To Watch Them Spurt" Chap. 2 by Doug N.

I love To Watch Them Spurt

Chapter Two

Swimming Party

Sally and Roger had a successful date at the fair. At the end of the date, Sally wants Roger to ask her out again. Sally knows that Roger is shy and wants to dominate him.

Sally: Did you have fun Roger?

Roger: Yes, I did.

Sally: I am sorry I injured you.

Roger: That's all right, all's well that ends well.

Sally: Did you like my mother?

The question really asks if he didn't mind her exposing him in front of her mother and sister.

Roger: Yes, your mother seems very nice.

Sally: Did you like my sister?

The question really asks if the incident embarrassed him.

Roger: Your sister seems nice too.

Sally concludes that she had her fun with him but didn't hurt his feelings. She now concludes that she can control him. She thinks quickly, how can she get this shy, easily manipulated boy to ask her out again?

Sally: There is a football game next weekend.

Roger: Yes, there is. (pregnant pause) Oh, would you like to go because I would really like to take you. I really had a good time today.

Sally: I'd love to Roger; you can pick me up on Friday at 7.

Roger: I'll be there.

Friday, promptly at 7 Roger arrives at the Sutton residence and rings the doorbell. Mrs. Sutton answers.

Mrs. Sutton: Roger, come in. Roger enters the house. Roger, how do you feel today?

Mrs. Sutton: How is your wound? Is it healing nicely?

Roger: Yes, it is thank you very much.

Mrs. Sutton: Well, let me look at it.

Roger: Right here in the living room?

Mrs. Sutton: Yes. Roger, I am a professional and besides I have seen you before. You look just like the thousands of other men I have seen naked in my life. Roger, if you were in a line up with other men naked from the waist down I couldn't identify you. (She is lying)

Roger hesitates. Mrs. Sutton unbuckles his belt, unsnaps and unzips him and carefully lowers his pants. Taking her time she then pulls down his underpants. With her fingers, she grasps his scrotum and pulls it free so that she can inspect the wound.

Mrs. Sutton: Yes, it is healing nicely. I can barely see the wound now.

At this time, Sally enters the room and sees her mother inspecting the private parts of her boyfriend. She knows her mother's true motives and it titillates her. She walks over to Roger and looks right at his crotch.

Sally: Is he healing all right mother?

Mrs. Sutton: Yes, he is.

Mrs. Sutton: Roger, do you like to go swimming.

Roger: Standing still exposed in front of her. Yes, I do, very much.

Mrs. Sutton: Sally, why don't you invite Roger to Mrs. Angle's pool party.

Sally: Yes, Roger, would you like to come to a pool party next weekend as my guest.

Roger: Sure, I'd like that.

Mrs. Sutton: Roger, you'll be the only boy there. All the women invited have only daughters. Will that bother you?

Roger: Why should it bother me?

Mrs. Sutton: Good it is a date then, next Saturday at noon.

Roger and Sally go off on their date. At the end of the date, Roger takes her directly home. Sally is disappointed, she had wanted him to take her to lover's lane where she had planned to take out his cock and play with his cock and balls until Roger orgasms and goes soft. She decides it would be unwise to push too fast but she wants to cement their relationship and cannot help herself.

Sally: Roger, would you like to come in?

Roger: Yes thank you.

The two enter the house.

Sally: Have a seat.

Roger sits on the couch. Sally immediately sits next to him. There is a pause in their conversation and Sally puts her hand on Roger's knee.

Roger: This is a nice house you have Sally.

Sally says nothing but moves her hand up Roger's thigh.

Roger put his hand on Sally's knee. Sally put her other hand on Roger's knee holding it in place and telling Roger not to explore further while she continues up Roger's thigh. When Sally arrives and the juncture of Roger's thighs she finds him hard. She feels Roger's cock through his clothing. She continues to stroke his cock and cup his balls through his clothing until she is sure she has control over him.

Sally: Roger (in her sweetest voice) would you stand up.

Sally begins to methodically undress Roger. Roger stands and allows her to undress him. Soon his clothes are on the floor and he stand before Sally with Sally admiring a huge erection. Sally knows now that she has complete control over her boyfriend. He will do whatever she asks, under almost any circumstances.

She grasps his cock with her left hand and cups his balls with her right. Roger sighs audibly. She then puts her face forward and rubs Roger's cock against her cheek. Sally is so turned on she can feel her female juices running down her leg. Sally decides to kiss the front of Roger's cock. Then she kisses the head of his cock. Tickling her scrotum, she begins simultaneously to fondle and stroke Roger's cock. Before long Roger is moving his hips in rhythm to Sally's stroking. While she is stroking his cock she is simultaneously fondling his balls.

Before long Roger cums and ejaculates sperms onto the front of Sally's blouse. Sally hardly seems to notice continuing to milk him until the last bit of juice has been extracted. It is only when Roger begins to go soft that Sally's haze begins to clear and she lets him go. Only now does Sally look up at Roger's face and smile sweetly at him. Roger smiles gratefully back. Roger knows now that he has found something good but can't imagine where it will take him.

The next Saturday Roger picks up Sally and they both go to Mrs. Angles. There are only females present. Mrs. Sutton, Mrs. Angles and Mrs. Frobish are the adults and each of them have two daughters. The girls vary in age from 7 to 17.

As the children swim, Mrs. Angles mentions how good-looking Roger is. Mrs. Sutton then tells the story of Roger and Sally's first date.

Mrs. Sutton: Yes, and on their second date I checked him to see how well the wound was healing.

Mrs. Frobish: Have you checked him lately?

Mrs. Sutton: No, I haven't and I should shouldn't I. Roger, would you come here?

Roger gets out of the deep end of the pool and approaching the three women sitting at the table.

Roger: Yes, maam.

Mrs. Sutton: It just occurred to me that I haven't checked your wound lately. Why don't you drop your pants so that I can check it.

Roger is taken aback; he doesn't know what to say. Roger has started to grow accustomed to being naked in front of women and knows that he likes it. He realizes that he has a chance to not only be naked in front of the adult women but their daughters as well. Nevertheless he wants to be coaxed.

Roger: Right here in front of these women.

Mrs. Sutton: Sure, why not? These women have seen men before.

Still roger hesitates, he knows if he hesitates Mrs. Sutton will undress him herself.

Roger is correct, Mrs. Sutton simply reaches over and pulls down his trunks. Roger does not protest or try to stop her.

Mrs. Sutton: Roger step out of your trunks.

Roger dutifully obeys her.

Mrs. Sutton takes control of Roger's balls and pulls them aside for other two adult women to see.

Mrs. Sutton: See he is fully healed.

The other two women arch their necks closely inspecting Roger's private parts.

Mrs. Frobish and Mrs. Angles: Good work, Linda. They chime together.

Meanwhile the younger girls have stopped playing in the swimming pool and watch the scene with keen interest.

When Mrs. Sutton drops Roger's balls, Roger reaches down to pick up his trunks but Mrs. Sutton has already picked them up and has them in her hand.

Mrs. Sutton: It's all right Roger, you won't need them.

Mrs. Angles: That's right Roger; we want you to be comfortable.

Roger says nothing and walks over to sit in a chair. He leaves his legs slightly ajar so that the girls in the pool can get a good look. Dutifully the girls oblige, before long, the young girls line up in the pool in front of him to stare at his private parts. Roger commences a hard on. He decides not be feel embarrassed.

Sharon Angles: (age 17 and a classmate of Roger.) Roger, come into the pool with us.

Roger leaves his chair and with boner bouncing walks over to the pool and jumps into the pool next to Sharon. Sally is watching not knowing what to think. She decides that Sharon is no competition for her and she will enjoy watching what happens next. The adult women also take notice.

In the pool Sharon rubs one of her breasts against Roger while she puts her hand on his shoulder. Before long she has run her hand down his side and has cupped one of his buttocks. Michelle Frobish, age 15, has also come over and is rubbing herself up against Roger. Both girls decide they can feel Roger's cock under water and reach for it. They find each other's hand and instantly pull away.

Roger and enjoying himself fully decides to give the girls all a good view and pulls himself out of the pool and sits on the edge of the pool with his feet apart in the gutter exposes himself completely to the eyes of the girls. Roger is now rock hard and the girls are all staring at his cock mesmerized.

Angela Frobish, age 7, decides she wants in the game and splashes water on Roger's cock.

Roger decides to teach her a lesson, dives after her and dunks her. Angela goes down but has the last laugh when she reaches with her hand and grabs his balls. As Roger holds her down Angela reaches with her other hand and grabs Roger by his cock. Roger decides to let her go but she does not let Roger go, continuing to hold Roger by his cock and his balls.

The other girls except for Sally gather around Roger grasping and feeling the various parts of him.

At this time Mrs. Angles, afraid the girls will overstimulate Roger and he will dirty her pool, speaks.

Mrs. Angles: Girls, let Roger alone. Roger come here.

The girls dutifully oblige as does Roger. When Roger pulls himself out of the pool Mrs. Angles takes and towel and patiently begins to towel Roger off. As this procedure goes on all eyes are riveted upon Roger and his rampant hard on. Mrs. Angles takes special care to dry Roger's cock.

Mrs. Angles: Girls you stay outside while Mrs. Sutton, Mrs. Frobish, Sally and I take Roger inside where he can cool down.

All 5 go inside but it is not to cool Roger down.

Mrs. Angles: What a handsome boyfriend you have Sally.

Sally: I think so.

Mrs. Frobish: What a cute cock he has too and adorable balls, Sally. Roger is not part of the conversation. She reaches out and caresses his cock and then his balls. While Mrs. Frobish was feeling Roger, Mrs. Angles has grazed her hand from the small of Roger's back down around the bottom of his buttocks.

Mrs. Frobish and Mrs. Angles take turns feeling Roger's buttock and his private parts. Mrs. Sutton and Sally watch. Mrs. Sutton is most amused but Sally is particularly infatuated and titillated watching these adult women, who she knows are not competition for her, assault her boyfriend.

Mrs. Frobish and Mrs. Angles then take turns caressing and fondling Roger's balls and stroking his cock while Mrs. Sutton and Sally watch. Sally feels an almost irresistible urge to take Roger cock into her mouth and suck it.

Under this lascivious assault, Roger comes quickly and begins to spurt. Mrs. Angles feeling him go hard in anticipation of ejaculation is ready with a tissue. She holds the tissue over Roger's cock so as not to soil her carpet. They continue to milk him until not only is every bit of sperm taken but he begins to soften as well.

Finally, both women come out of their daze.

Mrs. Frobish: Yes, Sally, this boy is just adorable. You can bring him over anytime.

Roger goes outside now soft and lays on a chaise lounge. The adult women and Sally stay inside to talk. Roger feels tired and drained after this experience. He will find himself quickly invigorated. Before he knows it Angela Frobish, age 7, is standing in front of him admiring his cock.

Angela: Can I play with it?

Roger: Play with what?

Angela: That. (Pointing at his cock)

Roger: Sure, why not. Roger starts to feel stirrings again.

Angela quickly grasps Roger's cock and starts feeling it. She then starts feeling his balls with the other. The other girls quickly gather around Roger. Michelle and Sharon evict Angela from Roger's balls but Angela retains control of Roger's cock which she grabs and hold with both hands in a baseball grip. While Angela retains control of Roger's cock the two older girls began to massage Roger's balls. Once again he has a raging hard on. Nancy Angles watches over the other girls' shoulders wishing she had a body part to play with.

Michelle: Stroke him Angela.

Angela begins to comply.

Roger responds more slowly now and Michelle speaks to her little sister.

Michelle: Trade with me Angela.

Angela complies. Michelle is now in control of the cock while Angela has Roger's left testicle.

With wiser if not more experienced hands Michelle begins to stroke Roger's cock from the base to the tip. Her hands are well guided by desire if not experience and Roger get harder and harder until once again he spurts sperm onto his own belly. Michelle continues her stroking enraptured by the drama she sees before her for the first time. Only when Roger starts going soft does she let him go. Nancy, missing out of the best action, gets some tissue and cleans the cum off Roger's stomach.

Meanwhile the adult women are watching from inside the house.

Mrs. Angles: Quite a sex education lesson the girls are getting.

Mrs. Sutton: That is why I brought him here.

Mrs. Frobish: How to keep a man but not take a chance on getting pregnant. Good idea! I had no idea my little Angela was so precocious. No man is ever going to take advantage of her!
